(and a few logs)
askcuzzzzzzz MIkE

A: Follow the signs to Valdikov..

The Search Continues......



A: Put on your CUZ certified snorkle gear and find out! (I think I made a wrong turn at Hostacov Circle, cause I'm in the Agean Sea not Atlantic OCEAN! GOOO TROJANS!)


Welcome back you little askCUZERS. This is a very special summer for askcuz. It's like the 50 year storm: a test of the will of the earth, what it can handle when the waves come crashing down... What can you handle?

This Summer of 2007 highlights a Special Re-Union of 2 special people that haven't had their special time in that special place for a long, long time.... The Summer of 2003 was the first and 2007 may be the last..




A little message from the editor to all those askcuzzers.....

You are keeping me going with our czech festivals, letting me spread my cuzzy wings INTERNATIONALLY. Thanks for sneaking me away for the 5 hour tree raising.

Keith Oliver Good job, you've been hanging at Djais but making no noise. Let's spill that medigan blood and make you a man. You got the size, You got the looks, but you don't have the heart. Step it up man.
Henry What else can I say, you really suck..
Rob Jr. Double sessions begin in JULY.. August is for wimps, step i up.
Jerry D. My ass hasn't been the same since that car ride in mid-April..
The GRAD-Jer It's time to hang up that surf board, cause the only beach your ganna see is from across ocean ave at the FRONT BAR. Time to become a BELMAR BOY again..
Greggy Great JOB Bro.. I heard you have a girlfriend; right before the summer. you are pathetic
Robert 33 33 should stand for the amount of washcloths you stash in case of a midnight dip.. True Frungi.. Or just a closet Fag (True Frungi??)
Lenni Roo Way to keep the tradition alive everyday in everything you do. Get those abs tight baby, swallow a turtle shell
Doc Pete Get the prescription pad ready and a full prescription of cortezone for these guys, they need to pump up!
Fucc Call your old limo connections.. I need a ride from the airport June 30th.. JFK international terminal.
Ralphi The turtle is alive and well in New Hampshire, Lake Whinipisaki.
Tripps (Vinne the Killer) I heard you are on the Hunt for a Shore house, way to make a comeback kid, i never doubted you for a second. Its Marathon Saturday's at Djais again.. Bring the Valium, take a shit and a shower and stay away from NewStyle..
NAPS Your cloths don't fit you. every time i see you you look like your expecting a flood.. its time to plant your ass in Baileys or in my basement.. I'm not rolling into the Borgata at 4 AM with you looking like some kind of Guido Hillbie.
T-A Tell rob from the gogle to finally pay up please..
BIG E We are hittin g up neptunes again this summer, i got a brand new set list to show your wife!
BOO I heard you've been rehearsing Little Mermaid TUNES for a duet with Spree on birthday weekend..
Melon ITs time to dye that hair back to blue and what happened to your guns? did you leave them in the B Street house 2002;a side note:I hate Skinny Jay
NA You kept things going nicely at Djais but got no damn support from the next generation, you are the motivational heart of askcuz, get these kids pumped. At least teach them how to smack an ashtray 5 times before it will break.

You lost a lot of weight.. Good for your health, but in CUZ WORLD all that means is you've lost your push under the boards.. the days of undefeated seasons are over

Lals Speed boat is on its way...we leave for havana in 20 days.
KESZ are you finally in? 1 game of hoops in 14 years. step it up kid, no LI for you this summer.
Uncle Jer Thanks for the reminder.. that's what ask cuz is all about... Especially coming from a true 70's urban hippie..
CUZ YOU STILL SUCK>>> I want to see that red cattie streaking through belmar this summer, even if just for a second a day!
Wayne's World How many gray goose and tonics have you drank up there in heaven! Miss you pal! I heard your bank shot is legendary now across the universe!



Cuz turned 101 this year and he still sucks so does his lunch box.We have added a bar of dove soap to the box.

This is the ultimate survival kit.. WHAT DOES CUZ HAVE IN THE BOX?

(c) 2000-2004 askcuz llc.